A dependable online platform for customer booking and managing schedules for your laser clinic and hair removal centre. Scroll to appsScroll to apps
Your information is handled in line with worldwide and European protection standards, including PCI DSS, SSL, and GDPR.
We don't flog or hand over your info or your customers' info to third parties.
Utilise EasyWeek to boost the volume of bookings without any bother.
Provide all the essential information about your company that will attract customers and encourage them to book your services.
Keep things running smoothly by integrating EasyWeek with programs you already use, such as GA4 and others.
Place our booking widget and the link in all your channels to receive bookings at the same time!
Get detailed analysis of bookings, staff workloads and other information to help you identify the best areas to grow your business.
Craft your success tale with EasyWeek!
Boost your conversion level and enhance customer service standards with immediate access to all EasyWeek features.